IIP bootcamp approach to corporate training in digital economy technology drives learner engagement and industry-high completion rates.

Live virtual classroom, mentoring sessions, hands-on projects, and interactive labs drive learner outcomes.
From learning portal integration to contextualized learning path, We’re committed to your success.
Program Co-developed with the world’s top practitioners and academics and aligned to leading certification bodies.

What Makes a Successful Training Program



This is start from a single lesson is outlined. First, It is important to understand where your team need and what to develop. Identify the teams and individual that can use certain training program and tailoring them for each group will get you started on the right foot.


There are handful of learning style that employee fall into. When design corporate training programs, be sure to appeal to each of them style provide visual kinesthetic, written and auditory content throughout the training to keep each member engaged and following along.


Once you’ve taken learning style into account and also consider the level of engagement of the training. Keeping the content engaging and relatable is crucial for the information to be absorbed Look for moments to ask for participation or create breakout sessions for groups discuss key point.


Bring mindful of individual’ bandwidth and schedules will be highly beneficial in term of attendance and engagement. More employees will be able to make the training and focus solely on the program while they are in it.


As with most initiatives, It is important to measure the success of corporate training programs. Try using interview or surveys to gain insight before and after the training. Also track the quantifiable metric around each training session, including the length and the cost of the training.


It can be heard to stay engaged in the “What” without the “Why” To keep individuals motivated, why, to keep individuals motivated, clearly draw line Between team and organization goals. And note how the training helps drive everyone toward these goals.


One quality of a good leader is leading by the example. Employees are most likely to complete and engage in the training if leadership shows clear interest and advocacy, too.


Corporate training is not a one-time thinking. It takes time and care to develop the employees. So be sure to check in the attendees and build upon the skills they’re developing between

What is the main goal of corporate training programs?

There are many reason why corporate training exists in the workplace Let’s explore some of the most important goal of corporate training.

Equip employees with the right skills

Program like on boarding and mandatory training give employees the skills they need to the take on a new role. This training usually offered to the new employees or existing employees that get promoted to a more challenging position.
Teaching foundational skills empowers employees to perform to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately, 70% of employees surveyed by Gartner said they don’t have the mastery of the skills needed for their current jobs. Do yours?

Reduce skills gaps and provide ongoning learning

The covid’19 pandemic has accelerated the need for up skilling and deskilling your employees. According to McKinsey, 87% of companies worldwide realize they have an existing skills gap or will have one within next few years.
To address the skills gap companies need to invest in ongoing training and development programs. This include teaching important soft skills like time management create thinking and resilience. It also means learning new digital skills and keeping up to date with emerging technologies.

Invest in retain talent.

If you’re not actively investing in your employees. You risk losing them. According to Deloitte, 42% of employees looking for new job say their employer isn’t maximizing their skills and abilities.
Some training programs prepare your employee for leadership positions within the organization. Opportunities for growth and development increase employee’s retention and supercharge employees’ experience.

Create a cohesive company culture

Initiatives that put employees’ need as individuals at the forefront create a culture of belonging. These including diversity and inclusion seminars or mental health and well-being training.