Indian Industry Professionals (IIP) is a professional organization driven by well-qualified experts having enriched industrial experience with an approach to help our Indian industry to remain competitive and innovative in global business arena. IIP works closely with Industry, Society and Administration with a vision for overall development of all. Enhancing Indian Industry’s competitiveness across all levels is one of IIP’s longstanding priorities. Transferring knowledge and employee engagement by our experts creates a positive attitude in employees towards growth and strengthening the innovation capabilities of the industry.

IIP offers well-structured, industry relevant and goal oriented interactive training programs, which are according to the requirement and need of organizations to enhance workforce skills. Our expert team works for industry skilling with their diversified experience in different sectors with the support of well-equipped technology. Our structured training programs build the desired knowledge and skills that impacts individual employee performance and increase job satisfaction, which often results into higher employee retention. IIP focuses on enhancing foundation skills which results in empowering employees to perform to their best abilities at their challenging positions.

Besides industrial trainings, IIP offers its services in industrial growth by providing recruitment of experienced job-oriented manpower at different levels. IIP ensures “Right man at Right Place” should be adopted by every organization, which results in building long term relations between employer & employee. This helps industry to grow by getting good resource for critical positions and also for employee to become the pillar of the organization with his skill-set.

For Excellence in Manufacturing, IIP supports its client – base to have B2B meetings and visiting large organizational groups to know the best practices. MSME can grow only by adopting the international procedures and practices.

Last, but not the least, we can say that Indian Industry Professionals (IIP) is for the industry and by the industry with a vision to make our nation, a Global Leader.